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Vestry Minutes for September 8, 2021

Writer's picture: Deborah WhiteDeborah White

Updated: Aug 7, 2022

Meeting by video conference

Present: The Reverend Dr. Deborah White (Rector), Christina Reich (Sr. Warden), Liz Charlton (Jr. Warden), Amelia Brooks, Amy Eudy, Sally Hanson, David Kennedy, Jane Ramsey, Stephanie Zichichi

Absent: Chandra Damele

Guests: The Rev. Walter Ramsey; Columba Salamony, Seminarian; Joshua Senn; Sarah Williams, Parish Administrator.

M/S/C denotes motion made, seconded and carried. The names following M/S/C in parenthesis denote the persons who made the motion and seconded.

Call to Order and Opening Prayer. The meeting was called to order at 6:35 p.m. and led in prayer by Rev. Deb.

Bible Study. The group discussed Exodus 18:13-27, as it pertains to sharing the workload at the church.

Consent Agenda. It was M/S/C (Amy Eudy/Liz Charlton) to approve the consent agenda items: Agenda, Minutes of the August 11, 2021 meeting, Rector’s Report, Junior Warden’s Report, Treasurer’s Report.


Ministry Updates

Outreach (Service). Winter Nights event coming up. This week’s Grace Notes will link to a signup sheet asking for help. Also need donations.

Worship and Liturgy. Vaccination against COVID-19 will be required for attending worship in person, and we will begin checking vaccination cards on September 12. Church staff members are submitting copies of vaccination cards. Those in the chancel at worship services are all vaccinated, and will also need to submit copies of proof. We will put a sticker on parishioner’s name tags so that they can show their cards (or electronic proof of vaccination) only once.

Welcoming. People are using their name tags.

Education: Godly Play starting up in person. Book Club is meeting in person. To celebrate the kick-off of fall programs, we may have a movie night or other activity. Amelia will meet with Parish Life folks.

Parish Life: See above for kick-off of fall programs. It may be possible to hold some type of Oktoberfest, creatively, under COVID restrictions that we have in place. We can even meet indoors and have food now. Stephanie and David to meet to discuss.

Pastoral Care: Rev. Deb reports that Ron Quigley died September 7. She was able to administer last rites on September 5. The new Senn baby arrived on September 8. Other pastoral situations occurred during Rev. Deb’s vacation.

Stewardship: Discussion deferred to New Business.


Building and Grounds

Steps off the parish hall:

This is an ongoing issue for which Junior Warden Liz Charlton asked for the Vestry’s input. The history: there was a deck before, and when it fell into disrepair it was marked off as unusable and access to it blocked. The church was sued by a woman who managed to get to the deck and fall off it, during a City of Martinez event at Grace. As a result, the old deck was demolished. The insurance company asked that we build steps off the sliding glass doors where the deck had been. Costs for a new deck were prohibitive. Eventually then Junior Warden Jim Maniatis built a smaller deck and steps which were inspected. We were told a railing needed to be added. Liz would like to demolish the steps Jim built and have a larger deck built so they are not blocking part of the door. She would cover the cost. Otherwise, Gary Spenik has volunteered to reconfigure the steps and deck so that they fit the door and add a handrail, which Dick Evans would pay for. The Vestry requested sketches of the competing ideas prior to making a decision.

Piles of bark on the church grounds:

We have heaps of bark on the grounds that were dumped there by unknown persons. Josh Senn proposes renting a Bobcat ($600 for a day, delivered) and moving them to the upper lot to assist with weed suppression. Junior Warden Liz Charlton prefers to move it behind the education building. Reverend Deb expressed concern about putting the bark on the upper lot slope because it has been treated for erosion by the Discovery Builders people and she’s not sure if putting the bark on top of it is a good idea. Amy Eudy moved, Sally Hanson seconded, to table the discussion and ask Reverend Deb, Josh and Liz to provide more information (such as what the upper lot slope was treated with) about their suggested locations prior to having the vestry make a decision.

Stewardship Campaign

Tina Reich attended a diocesan workshop with support and ideas for running a stewardship campaign, and shared tips with the vestry. Amy, Sally, and Jane agreed to chair the campaign this year.


Rev. Walter dismissed the meeting at 8:27 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Sarah Williams

Parish Administrator

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