Come and see!
Amazing Grace!
We are delighted that you have found your way to Grace. We welcome all people to our congregation, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, culture, or religious experience. It is our hope that you will find fellowship, wisdom, and peace in our community.
One of the best parts of being a priest is the opportunity to get to know people and hear about their spiritual journeys, and I would love to talk to you. You can reach me by email me at revdeb@gracechurchmtz.org or at 925-228-6574.
Better yet, please join us at any of our services. Currently, our primary Sunday service is a 9:30 a.m. hybrid (in-person/simulcast) Rite II Choral Eucharist. You can access it online on our Facebook page. Childcare and Sunday school are available during this service.
On the third Sunday of every month we return to the old two-service model. At 8 am we have a contemplative Eucharist without music and an interactive adult homily. At 9:30 we invite the children to join us for the entire service for Family Sunday when we have more casual music and a Children's Homily.
You can see a schedule of all of our services in the section below.
We are located at 130 Muir Station Rd. in Martinez, California.
Please come and see us! May you feel God's presence in this place.
In peace,
Reverend Deb

Regular Service Times
Come and Worship With Us
Our regular service schedule:
1st, 2nd, 4th, and 5th Sundays
9:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist
Live in person, and simulcast on our Facebook page
You can find the service here and a sample bulletin here.
3rd Sundays
8 a.m. Contemplative Eucharist without music
9:30 a.m. Family Sunday with a Children's Homily and music
Evening Prayer
Mondays at 6:30 p.m.
Click here to join on Zoom.
Morning Prayer
Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m.
Live in our Chapel and on Zoom
Click here to join on Zoom OR
meet us in the Chapel at Grace at 10 a.m.
Fridays at 10:00 a.m.
Click here to join on Zoom.

What We Believe
"I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” John 13:34-35
Grace is a parish in the Diocese of California of The Episcopal Church.
We believe in following the teachings and example of Jesus Christ, whose life, death, and resurrection saved the world.
We believe that love is not something to get; it's something to do. This means actively caring for our neighbors and welcoming all people into our community.
We believe that God loves all people equally and we treat people of all ages, races, cultures, genders, and sexual orientations with respect and love.
Our Mission Statement is to welcome, support, and serve all God's people.
Our Vision Statement is “Grace Episcopal Church will be a God-focused community that embraces all seekers into the ways of Jesus Christ, is present, caring, and compassionate to all we encounter, and has the ability to physically and spiritually minister to our fellow human beings.”
For more information about The Episcopal Church, click here.
For more information about the history of Grace, click here.