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Children’s Homily for January 21, 2018: Fish for people (The Rev. Dr. Deborah White)

Writer's picture: Deborah WhiteDeborah White

So, today we heard a story about Jesus making some new friends and telling them to go make new friends. Except that Jesus kind of made it into a game. Instead of telling his friends to make friends, he told them to “fish for people.” Who here has ever gone fishing? (Give them a chance to answer). How did you catch the fish? (Give them a chance to answer). Do you think that is the same way you can catch people? (Give them a chance to answer). How did you think you can catch people? (Give them a chance to answer). Ask them! Excellent! But first you have to talk to them. Do you think it’s hard to talk to people? (Give them a chance to answer). Is it harder to talk to people that you agree with or disagree with? (Give them a chance to answer).

I’ll tell you a secret. Lots of grown-ups are afraid to talk to people they don’t know – especially when we are worried that they won’t agree with us. Because sometimes people yell at each other. Have any of you ever been yelled at? (Give them a chance to answer). It’s no fun, is it? Well, grown-ups don’t want to get yelled at either. Now, tell me this. When does being yelled at feel the worst? (Give them a chance to answer). I think it’s when someone gets mad at you because of something you really care about. Like, I don’t really care if someone yells at me that my shoes are ugly, but I get really upset if someone tells me that my God is ugly.

Now, how many of you guys talk about God? (Give them a chance to answer). Who do you talk to God about? (Give them a chance to answer). Do you ever talk about God to people you don’t know? (Give them a chance to answer). What happens? (Give them a chance to answer). Yes, I think that’s often the case. People are less likely to yell at us than we think they are – but I think grown-ups forget that. So, I need you to help teach the grown-ups today. Can you help me with that? Excellent. Here’s what I want you to do. Think of one thing that you know about God that makes you happy. (Give them a chance to talk for a minute). Excellent. Now, at the Peace, when we all greet one another, I want you to tell one grown-up the thing about God that makes you happy that you thought of. Can you do that? And then, I want you to let them tell you one thing about God that makes them happy. And, if they can’t think of anything, you help them. Can you do that? I knew you could. Then, after the Peace and the announcements, I want you to help with the offerings and then come up and help me bless the bread and wine. Okay? So, I will tell you when it’s time to tell you grown-ups what makes you happy about God and they will remind you by asking you to tell them. Okay? Do we agree that this is a good plan? (Give them a chance to answer). Good. Who remembers what we say when we agree in church? (Give them a chance to answer). Amen. So let’s say it altogether (Amen).

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