It’s almost summer! What are some of the things you like to do in the summer? (Give them a chance to answer). Things also look different in the summer. What makes them look that way? (Give them a chance to answer). That’s right. It’s hotter. It’s sunnier usually. And there are more and greener plants and flowers. They seem bigger and brighter sometimes, don’t they? (Give them a chance to answer).
Who knows how plants grow? (Give them a chance to answer). That’s right - they grow from seeds. There are lots of different plants so there are lots of different seeds. One kind of seed is the mustard seed. The mustard seed is very, very small. Here are some. (Show them). Do you know who talked about this tiny little seed? (Give them a chance to answer). Jesus! He reminded his disciples that mustard seeds are very small, but they grow into VERY big plants. Guess how big. (Give them a chance to answer). Even bigger than that - so big that you can take a nap under one. That is pretty amazing - that a HUGE plant can grow out of a tiny seed.
What other big things can grow out of something really small? (Give them a chance to answer). That’s right - people! Look at my big, tall son Nick. He was smaller than Gigi and Anna once. What else that is really big can grow from something really small? (Give them a chance to answer). FAITH! Who can tell me what faith is? (Give them a chance to answer). That’s a really good answer. Faith is believing in something, even when you don’t see it - things like God. Sometimes you start out having trouble believing, having just a little bit of faith - just like a tiny seed - but if you plant it and keep on believing, it will grow enormous! Now, here’s a question for you. Who can have faith? (Give them a chance to answer). And who makes faith grow? (Give them a chance to answer). That’s right. God.
So here’s what I want you to do. I want you to each take a seed and a sign to remind you that your seed is a symbol of your faith - it might be small now, but it will get very big if you just let God grow it. Then I want you to plant your seed. If you don’t have a place at home, you can plant it here at Grace - because church is a very good place for there to be faith - or you can plant it anywhere you want (as long as your grown-up says it’s okay) - because you can plant faith anywhere! Can you do that? (Give out seeds and signs). Do you agree to do plant these? And what do we say in church when we agree? (Give them a chance to answer). That’s right. AMEN. Let’s say it together: AMEN.