Today we are having baptism! Who knows what baptism is? (Give them a chance to answer). How many of you have been baptized? (Give them a chance to answer). Good. Who knows what the most important day in church is? (Give them a chance to answer). Christmas is important. Easter is even more important. Anything else? (Give them a chance to answer). What about Baptism days? (Give them a chance to answer). Well, it is true that Baptism doesn’t just happen on one day a year like Christmas or Easter, but for each one of us, our Baptism Day is pretty much the most important day of our life – even more important than our birthday. Why do you think that is? (Give them a chance to answer). Those are all good answers. But the real answer is that it is baptism that makes us members of the church, which is – who? (Give them a chance to answer). That’s right: Jesus!
So, who can tell me why it’s important to be part of Jesus? (Give them a chance to answer). Those are all good answers. Jesus loves us. Jesus takes care of us. Jesus is with us when we are sick or scared or sad. Jesus helps us to be good. But what is the most important thing Jesus does? (Give them a chance to answer). Jesus makes us new! That is pretty amazing.
Let’s figure out how that happens. (Potentially read part of the book here). We use water to wash, but the water we have at home to wash with just makes our bodies clean. The water we use for baptism is blessed water. It is water that reminds us of all that God and Jesus have done for people and all they do for us. That makes it holy – and when you are washed with holy water, you become holy. You become more like Jesus. Who would like to be more like Jesus?
(Give them a chance to answer). What do you think it would mean to be more like Jesus (Give them a chance to answer).That would be great, wouldn’t it? So, how would you be new? (Give them a chance to answer).
And here’s the other really important thing baptism does. It makes you part of a family. Now, I know you already have families, but it makes you part of a much bigger family – a family that exists everywhere and every time! It’s the family of God.
So, do you think baptism is a most excellent and important thing? (Give them a chance to answer). And are you ready to be part of Gigi and Anna’s baptism day? (Give them a chance to answer). So, do you agree that we should baptize them right after this? (Give them a chance to answer). And what do we say in church when we agree? (Give them a chance to answer). Amen. And if you agree, you say it too (Amen).