Present: The Reverend Dr. Deborah White (Rector), Christina Reich (Sr. Warden), Liz Charlton (Jr. Warden), Amelia Brooks, Chandra Damele, Amy Eudy, Sally Hanson, David Kennedy, Jane Ramsey, Stephanie Zichichi
Guests: The Rev. Walter Ramsey; Marj Leeds, Treasurer; Sarah Williams, Parish Administrator.
M/S/C denotes motion made, seconded and carried. The names following M/S/C in parenthesis denote the persons who made the motion and seconded.
Call to Order and Opening Prayer. The meeting was called to order at 6:34 p.m. and led in prayer by Rev. Deb.
Bible Study. The group read and discussed 1 Corinthians 2:1-10.
Treasurer’s Report
Marj explained details of the report on 2021 finances. Despite our budget that expected a deficit, we ended the year with a $7500 surplus. The forgiveness of the Diocesan assessment helped a great deal. (A few months remain of the twelve months granted to us, but we cannot apply for another assessment forgiveness immediately, so this expense will be higher in 2022.) Parishioners fulfilled their pledges and donated additional money. Additionally, there have been some major gifts that do not appear in the regular operating budget because of restrictions on the gifts.
Marj presented a draft for a 2022 budget and answered questions on it. A budget draft is presented at the annual parish meeting January 23. The 2022 vestry, with its newly-elected members, will then approve a budget during the February vestry meeting.
Consent Agenda. It was M/S/C (Amy Eudy/Amelia Brooks) to approve the consent agenda items: Agenda, Minutes of the December 8 meeting, Rector’s Report, Treasurer’s Report, Senior Warden’s Report, Junior Warden’s Report.
Ministry Updates
Outreach (Service) Chandra reported that Outreach has not met since completing the Hope Solutions Christmas gifts program and she does not know of any new initiatives. Rev. Deb reminded the group that we have ongoing Outreach opportunities through our work with the Homeless Action Coalition, Hope Solutions, and CORE, all of which are in need of donations. She also reported that our seminarian Columba has completed his internship at Homeless Action Coalition
Worship and Liturgy Sally reported that we survived the Advent and Christmas season, with all its many worship services! She pointed out that our music director Arthur Omura wrote the service music (Gloria, Agnus Dei, Sanctus) that we are using for the current season. Everyone should appreciate this amazing talent in our midst.
Sally is also grateful for the Diocesan COVID guidelines. As a reminder, last week’s change is that indoor food/drink is not allowed, and we need to continue taking attendance in case we need to do contact tracing in the future.
Welcoming Tina reported that coffee hour is on hiatus (see new COVID guidelines mentioned above). Nothing in particular to report, as we are coming off the holidays. We still plan to welcome the new residents of the new housing above the Upper Lot and invite them to church, once in-person fellowship resumes.
Education Book Club is back online for now during the surge. Bible study is going strong, using the Good Book Club curriculum. We need to think about what to do with Faithful Forums during the surge. Godly Play is still allowed, under the same rules under which we have worship. We will keep it as safe as possible, with distance and masks. If Contra Costa County closes schools, we might stop in-person Godly Play since that is similar to school.
Parish Life No plans for social events in the near future, due to the surge.
Pastoral Care Jane reported on the contacts she made.
Building and Grounds (See Junior Warden report)
Upper Lot Committee (See Upper Lot report) The only organizations still interested are proposing to buy the Upper Lot outright, rather than have a partnership with us. Rev. Deb described the dilemma we find ourselves in and led a discussion. She reported on a possibility of a “tiny homes” project that might (unlike others we have seen) bring an income stream. We will also seek information about a sale, and think about how this could fit with the vision we have. The sale could be with stipulations, and the proceeds could possibly fund a mission and provide the income stream we need. Rev. Deb hopes to have information to present at the annual meeting. If a special vestry meeting is needed in order to consider information that comes in during the upcoming days, the members are willing.
Nominating Committee There are four candidates for the three positions: Shannon Kleinschmit, Jes Senn, Ann Fisher, and Dru Grissom. The by-laws say that the vestry can propose a slate but is not obligated to do so. The vestry decided not to offer a slate, but simply to present the four candidates for a vote at the annual meeting January 23.
Farewell to members whose vestry terms are over Stephanie, David, and Christina are leaving the vestry. Rev. Deb and the others thanked them each for their particular gifts.
DISMISSAL Reverend Walter dismissed the meeting at 8:24 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sarah Williams
Parish Administrator
