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Minutes of the Special Vestry Meeting, September 26, 2022

Writer's picture: Deborah WhiteDeborah White

Grace Episcopal Church

Martinez, California

Meeting by Video Conference

Unadopted Minutes of Special Vestry Meeting

September 26, 2022

Present: The Reverend Dr. Deborah White (Rector), Amelia Brooks (Sr. Warden), Shannon Kleinschmit (Jr. Warden), Liz Charlton, Chandra Damele, Amy Eudy, Ann Fisher, Dru Grissom, Sally Hanson, Jane Ramsey

Guests: Laurie Berry, of ReMax Real Estate; Marj Leeds, Treasurer; The Rev. Walter Ramsey; Jennifer Sabroe; Sarah Williams, Parish Administrator

Call to Order and Opening Prayer. The meeting was called to order at 6:32 p.m. and led in prayer by Rev. Deb.


Reverend Deb called for a special meeting of the vestry to make a final decision on the offer to purchase a parishioner’s home at a discounted price for use as a rectory.

Note: This discussion was not held in Executive session, but because it involves the financial information of some parishioners she asked the vestry to hold confidential the names of the parishioners involved.

Reverend Deb led the group in prayer for discernment.

Rev. Deb then provided a summary of the offer and the research that has been done regarding the feasibility of the purchase and realtor Laurie Berry described the current market situation and offered her opinion on the value of the house.Treasurer Marj Leeds outlined the parish’s current financial situation, including the status of a bequest made to the church by a late parishioner

The group paused for prayer.

Questions and discussion followed.

Concerns included:

1) Our expectations (and concerns) around the bequest we will receive, primarily that we really don't have a good sense of or control of either the size or the timing of our receipt of the gift.

2) Our concern that we don't impair the ability of the parishioners making the offer to get a good price for the house before the end of the "good" real estate season, and

3) Changes in the economy.

Rev. Deb led the vestry in prayer again, including time for silent prayer.

There were more questions and further discussion. After a brief exercise to take the pulse of the room, Amy Eudy moved that we do not purchase this or any other property at this time, suggesting we wait until we have a better understanding of our finances. This motion was seconded by Amelia Brooks. The motion passed unanimously.

Following the vote, Rev. Deb proposed establishing a standing (not ad hoc) Rectory committee so that we will have a process for discerning any future offers or recommendations to buy. Volunteers include Liz, Amelia, Dru, Ann, and Marj.

DISMISSAL Rev. Walter dismissed the meeting at 8:01 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Sarah Williams

Parish Administrator

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