Present: The Reverend Dr. Deborah White (Rector), Amelia Brooks (Sr. Warden), Shannon Kleinschmit (Jr. Warden) Liz Charlton, Chandra Damele, Amy Eudy, Ann Fisher, Dru Grissom, Sally Hanson, Jane Ramsey
Guests: Jennifer Sabroe, Sarah Williams, Parish Administrator
M/S/C denotes motion made, seconded and carried. The names following M/S/C in parentheses denote the persons who made the motion and seconded.
Call to Order and Opening Prayer. The meeting was called to order at 6:35 p.m. and led in prayer by Rev. Deb.
Bible Study. The group read and discussed Genesis 3:9-10.
Consent Agenda. It was M/S/C (Amy Eudy/Jane Brooks) to approve the consent agenda items as follows: Rector’s report, Agenda, Minutes of the May meeting.
Outreach (Service) Dru reported that Outreach has not met recently. There have been some suggestions for new activities and we will once again participate in Winter Nights this year.
Worship and Liturgy Sally and Rev. Deb reported that Easter season went well. Four Grace members were confirmed at Grace Cathedral on June 4. We have three upcoming memorial services: for Natalie Shepherd and Savanah Fagundes (July 2), for Frank Macan (Aug 6), and for Erik Warnes (date still to be determined).
Welcoming Ann reported that a meeting is coming up to discuss plans, including gifts for new people
Education Chandra reported that Godly Play is on summer hiatus. Faithful Forums are being organized.
Parish Life Amy reported that plans for a barbecue are underway. Stan cleaned up the area behind the church and it is ready to use, and he offered to cook for a picnic July 3. We will try to set up a cookoff/bake-off in August, with the new neighbors invited.
Pastoral Care Liz reported that she is checking in with homebound parishioners, by phone and by visiting. She would like help writing cards (Ann and Jane offered to help with that).
Stewardship Jane reported that she is exploring the resources recommended by Rev. Deb, and will report on plans soon.
Building and Grounds
Parking lot lights – we have two estimates for replacing the lights, but the specifications are too different for a useful comparison. Gary Spenik will assist with this. Please thank Stan for all the work he has been doing around the property.
Labyrinth A Labyrinth Committee has been formed. Not only will they look at costs/designs for a labyrinth in the center courtyard area but will also be discussing new drought-resistant landscaping
Upper Lot. Rev. Deb reported that we are waiting to hear whether the City of Martinez will be able/willing to get us a variance to put multiple units on the upper lot.
St. Christopher’s Guild
Rev. Deb raised a concern about the continued existence of a separate bank account for St. Christopher’s Guild. She noted that the canons of the diocese require that the vestry manage the funds of the church, which makes the existence of a separate account managed by non-Vestry members against canons, and therefore susceptible to notice in an audit.
There was discussion. No one was sure about the current status of St. Christopher’s. The Guild has not been meeting. Rev. Deb requested that whatever the Vestry decides to do, it should be made clear that the Vestry is not asking the group to disband.
It was M/S/C (Amy Eudy/Ann Fisher) to close the St. Christopher’s Guild bank account, in order to be in compliance with the canons of The Episcopal Church, and put the funds into the general account, line item to be determined. Rev. Deb will contact Jo-Ann Lee (President) and Connie Towey (Vice-President) to inform them of the action and inquire as to how the members of St. Christopher’s Guild would like their funds to be used. Members of St. Christopher’s Guild and other interested parties will be invited to next month’s Vestry meeting.
Social media help Rev. Deb believes that we should move onto TikTok and use our Instagram account more as people under 30 are not on Facebook. She confessed her inability to adequately post on those two formats. Amy Eudy (along with daughter Faith) offered to help us get on TikTok and better use our Instagram account.
Summer vacations Marj is back. Sarah will go away Aug. 26-29, and we may ask for help in the office at that time. Rev. Deb’s planned trip to the General Convention is canceled, because the GC had to be changed due to the COVID surge. (Only delegates will attend, and it will now be only four days long.) Rev Deb had plane tickets already and the time planned, so she has found an alternative educational opportunity. She will be away July 5-11. Rev. Steve will cover Sunday, July 10.
DISMISSAL Rev. Walter dismissed the meeting at 8:58 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sarah Williams
Parish Administrator